Unlock Your Midlife reset

This Proven Evidence-Based Method 

Helps You Beat Anxiety and Fatigue, Get Back in Shape, and Improve Your Overall Health and Well-being In Just 8 weeks

Without Dreading Workouts, Exhausting Diets, or Huge Sacrifices

The Midlife Reset is a tailored program for individuals in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Employing a comprehensive and evidence-based strategy it caters to your distinct needs as you navigate this next phase of life. In 8 weeks, you will achieve harmony between your mind, body, and inner self.

The Midlife Method is a tailored program for individuals in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Employing a comprehensive and evidence-based strategy it caters to your distinct needs as you navigate this next phase of life. In 8 weeks, you will achieve harmony between your mind, body, and inner self.

as seen in:

We Know How

Challenging Midlife

Can Be.

You reach your 40s, 50s and 60s and you feel:

  • Disconnected from your body and uncomfortable in your own skin…

  • Sluggish, weak, and drained even after relatively quiet days…

  • And even sometimes anxiety, fatigue, and depression sets in…

You don’t have to pretend to be happy with the way things are!

No doubt you’ve lived a successful life. Whether it’s climbing the career ladder, caring for a growing family, or both. To the outside world, you look like the picture of success and happiness…

But deep inside, you don’t feel successful.

Because something is missing...

You’re not the same person you were in your 20s and early 30s… You can’t be all ‘go, go, go’ all the time, with little thought to your health and well-being…

We see you wrapped up in your ‘Cocoon of Contentment’. Showing the outside world that everything is fine… When deep down, it just isn’t.

Because within you, we know you’re feeling lost, ashamed and alone. Wondering if the best days of your life are behind you. (spoiler-alert: they’re not!)

You don’t have to feel guilty or ashamed of the changes you’re going through,
because it's not your fault and there's nothing 'wrong' with you.

Is Any Of This

Familiar To You?

You reach this time of your life and:

  • You feel like you’ve lost a part of your Identity

  • You are feeling stuck in life and uncertain about what comes next

  • You are feeling incapable of the kinds of achievements you used to find easy

  • You are so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired

  • You’ve tried different approaches to get fit and healthy, but none of them are working, which makes you feel even more frustrated and helpless

  • You feel like you gain weight just by walking past the bakery and avoid mirrors at all costs

  • You feel guilty when eating something “naughty”, not having an hour-long cardio session, or prioritizing sleep instead of going to the gym…

You've been through a lot over the years, and it's time for you to reclaim the body, mind and confidence that you may have lost. 

And the truth is…

The body you're in now has distinct needs and requirements compared to when you were in your twenties or thirties.

Is Any Of This

Familiar To You?

You reach your 40s, 50s and 60s and:

  • You feel like you’ve lost a part of your Identity

  • You are feeling stuck in life and uncertain about what comes next

  • You are feeling incapable of the kinds of achievements you used to find easy

  • You are so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired

  • You’ve tried different approaches to get fit and healthy, but none of them are working, which makes you feel even more frustrated and helpless

  • You feel like you gain weight just by walking past the bakery and avoid mirrors at all costs

  • You feel guilty when eating something “naughty”, not having an hour-long cardio session, or prioritizing sleep instead of going to the gym…

You've been through a lot over the years, and it's time for you to reclaim the body, mind and confidence that you may have lost. 

And the truth is…

Your body has distinct needs and requirements compared to when you were in your twenties or thirties.

The same routine and lifestyle you had in your 20s and 30s no longer works in midlife

(hint: it’s not due to your lack of patience or strictness)

As you age, your metabolism slows down, and hormonal imbalances arise. That impacts not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being.

Why is no one speaking about this?

  • Hormones and metabolism are crucial components of overall health, vital for supporting the mind and body.

  • Following a structured program specifically tailored to your needs and seeking guidance from those who have experienced similar challenges will bring your mind, body, and soul back into alignment in no time and with ease.

  • What's really keeping you stuck is holding onto limiting beliefs about yourself, not knowing how to manage stress effectively, and still engaging in an all-or-nothing approach.

  • With accountability, you can find the motivation and support needed to achieve your goals (not just body related, but in all areas of your life).

  • As part of a supportive community, you'll no longer struggle alone in overcoming obstacles and can make progress in all aspects of your life.

Unfortunately, many programs on the market overlook these fundamental pieces, leaving participants without the essential tools needed for sustaining  physical health and well-being.

Recognising the importance of both physical and mental strategies for long term change, we have developed our unique ‘ENRICH’ framework. It is the core foundation of our approach to personal development, self improvement and long lasting health and weight loss.

The 'ENRICH' framework is built upon six essential pillars -  needed to truly thrive at midlife. Each of these pillars is designed to help you achieve (and maintain)  your full physical and mental potential during midlife, as well as optimum happiness and fulfilment



It's not about doing long cardio sessions or lifting weights haphazardly. By following a structured exercise program that is designed for your unique  physical needs, you'll find that achieving your body goals becomes easy, attainable and manageable.



You can ditch the diets for good. This is about simplifying nutrition, making healthier choices, and learning how to eat in line with your hormones for maximum strength and energy. This approach will fuel your body and mind for optimal performance.



Developing emotional resilience will help you feel grounded, present and empowered. This is about reaffirming who you are and where you want to be during this second act of your life. It’s a time to reignite passion and purpose and know how to weather the storms when life gets unpredictable and challenging.



Mastering your mindset is critical for achieving success and fulfilment in midlife. Discovering how to manage stress, build healthy habits and utilise daily tools to stay on track with your goals is truly life changing.



Having supportive and knowledgeable coaches to guide you and provide you with the confidence and self belief you need to succeed, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve and the heights you can reach. Overcome any obstacles, stay motivated, and create success on your own terms.

Studies have found that people who receive emotional and instrumental support from others can better cope with stress, recover from illness, and maintain good mental health.



Hormonal changes during midlife can lead to insomnia, concentration problems, mood swings, changes in libido, weight gain (especially in the belly area), and so much more. By optimizing your hormone levels, you can reduce these symptoms, boost your metabolism and.. improve the overall quality of your life.

That is the ultimate blueprint for living a fulfilling and rewarding life, whether you’re in your 40s, 50s or 60s.


As you understand how your body’s been changing throughout the years and you respond to its needs…

As you build a strong, positive, empowered mindset…

As you surround yourself with like-minded people to support and encourage you…

  • You master your well-being

  • You improve physical and mental health

  • You increase productivity

  • You start to love and prioritise yourself again

  • You start living a fulfilling and satisfying life

There’s no magic pill to achieve this, but…

By acquiring the knowledge to make minor adjustments and modifications to your daily routine, you can accomplish things like:

  • Shed those persistent 10 pounds of extra weight that has been bothering you for so long so you start feeling more confident in your own skin. Time to enjoy the compliments you'll receive from friends and family!

  • Achieve a lean physique and build muscle so you can wear the clothes two dress sizes smaller waiting for you at the bottom of your wardrobe. And not be afraid to walk by mirrors anymore!

  • Enhance emotional resilience so that you have a deeper connection with yourself and others around you

  • Foster an unstoppable attitude so that you feel capable and empowered to take on new challenges and pursue your best version of yourself.

It's time to leave your ‘Cocoon of Contentment’  behind and confidently take on the opportunities that await you in this exciting second chapter of your life…

The journey to transform into the best version of yourself starts right now!

Great to meet you!

We’re Claire & James Davis

Founders of the Midlife Mentors

We’ve designed a holistic approach that  promises  health and

happiness during the upcoming, better part of your life.

As experienced coaches, we specialize in working with busy individuals in their 40s, 50s and 60s. 
helping them to reclaim control of their life to create a successful future

We have won multiple awards and have  over 15 certifications, including an MSc in Applied and Social Psychology, NLP, stress management, personal training, nutrition, hormone specialization, gut health and we are also  menopause practitioners.

Our mission is to guide people in midlife through the unique challenges and circumstances that arise with compassion and dignity. 

Over the past decade, we have worked with various clients, including well-known figures such as Melanie Sykes, Ashley Roberts, Neil Jones, and Jorgie Porter.

Thousands of people have already trusted us to help them feel more energized, confident, positive, present, and reach new levels of success during midlife. And we want that for you, too.

Just imagine…

Waking up every morning feeling refreshed and energized and ready to take on the day with enthusiasm and passion… 

Your mind is clear and focused, and you have the motivation to tackle any challenge that comes your way... 

You feel comfortable in your own skin and no longer hide behind baggy clothes

You realise it’s true what people say - age is just a number…

This is what it means to be limitless and unstoppable.


The Midlife Reset

The first and only program for midlife people like you who are ready to embrace this second act of their life with confidence, health and optimism and journey towards becoming their best self.


"I just went through the class and it was excellent. in fact, when I went to consult with my doctor, my weight was down and my results had improved across all areas.

She asked what I was doing and I told her about Midlife Mentors and their program and she said, "that sounds perfect, just keep doing it ." it's the most realistic program I've ever tried and easy to stick to."


"I came to the Midlife Mentors feeling low in energy and with a low self-esteem. I had put on a lot of weight and was unhappy with my body shape.

I embarked on the Accelerator programme. This was a full month following the programme as set by James and Claire and checking in with other people on the programme.

I cannot say how much I enjoyed the experience. It made me accountable. I changed my eating habits, exercise habits but most importantly my mindset. My body shape shape changed in those four weeks and I lost 11 pounds. I am now continuing to follow the same routine on my own. the programme has given me the impetus to change and I am so happy with my results so far.

I feel that my attitudes have changed towards nutrition and fitness and i feel so positive that I took this bold step. I encourage encourage everyone who wants to make changes with their body and mindset to do the same."

You’re in the best years of your life! The Midlife Reset shows you how to feel

empowered and full of vitality again.

Here’s How it works

Over the course of the next eight weeks, this program will:

  • Improve your mental and physical well-being in midlife

  • Shift your perspective on healthy living so it's easy and sustainable

  • Cultivate a positive and successful mindset

  • Teach you how to manage stress and handle anxiety

  • Drop the stubborn pounds for good without dieting

  • Reprogram limiting beliefs so you quit the self sabotage

  • Develop healthy habits and behaviours without sacrificing what you love

So you ultimately witness a significant improvement in every aspect of your life.

Regardless of your  fitness level, whether you're a complete beginner or further along on your journey…

If you're unsatisfied with the outcomes of your current routines and can’t seem to get the results… 

You've come to the right place!


The Midlife Reset

The first and only program for midlife people like you who are ready to embrace this second act of their life with confidence, health and optimism and journey towards becoming their best self.


"I just went through the class and it was excellent. in fact, when I went to consult with my doctor, my weight was down and my results had improved across all areas.

She asked what I was doing and I told her about Midlife Mentors and their program and she said, "that sounds perfect, just keep doing it ." it's the most realistic program I've ever tried and easy to stick to."


"I came to the Midlife Mentors feeling low in energy and with a low self-esteem. I had put on a lot of weight and was unhappy with my body shape.

I embarked on the Accelerator programme. This was a full month following the programme as set by James and Claire and checking in with other people on the programme.

I cannot say how much I enjoyed the experience. It made me accountable. I changed my eating habits, exercise habits but most importantly my mindset. My body shape shape changed in those four weeks and I lost 11 pounds. I am now continuing to follow the same routine on my own. the programme has given me the impetus to change and I am so happy with my results so far.

I feel that my attitudes have changed towards nutrition and fitness and i feel so positive that I took this bold step. I encourage encourage everyone who wants to make changes with their body and mindset to do the same."

You’re in the best years of your life! The Midlife Reset shows you how to feel

empowered and full of vitality again.

Here’s How it works

Over the course of the next eight weeks, this program will:

  • Improve your mental and physical well-being in midlife

  • Shift your perspective on healthy living so it's easy and sustainable

  • Cultivate a positive and successful mindset

  • Teach you how to manage stress and handle anxiety

  • Drop the stubborn pounds for good without dieting

  • Reprogram limiting beliefs so you quit the self sabotage

  • Develop healthy habits and behaviours without sacrificing what you love

So you ultimately witness a significant improvement in every aspect of your life.

Regardless of your  fitness level, whether you're a complete beginner or further along on your journey…

If you're unsatisfied with the outcomes of your current routines and can’t seem to get the results… 

You've come to the right place!


Hear what some of our clients are saying:

"Do it now. This was a game changer for me" Victoria.

"I'm shining brighter every day" Annette.

Here’s what’s in

The Midlife Reset:

Nutrition Coaching

Discover how to truly nourish your midlife body for energy, vitality, health and happiness as you experience the transformational effects of our ground breaking Nutrition Coaching. Our unique approach equips you with the wisdom you need to break free from the shackles of endless dieting, destructive habits, and black-and-white thinking.

As you journey with us, you'll learn to embrace easy-to-follow principles that lead to astounding results. Say goodbye to restrictive diets and painful sacrifices – our programme paves the way for a harmonious balance between your body's needs and life's pleasures.

Welcome to a world of boundless energy, vibrant health, and unbridled happiness – all achieved through the art of sustainable nutrition. Join us now and begin your metamorphosis into the best version of yourself.


  • BOUNDLESS ENERGY & VIBRANT HEALTH: Experience a surge of vitality and well-being as you fuel your body with the optimal balance of nutrients, tailored to your unique needs during midlife.

  • FREEDOM FROM DIETING CYCLES: Liberate yourself from the endless loop of fad diets and unproductive habits, and embrace a sustainable, holistic approach to nutrition that supports long-term health and happiness.

  • HARMONY & BALANCE: Discover the art of integrating wholesome nutrition with life's pleasures, leading to a fulfilling lifestyle that promotes both physical and emotional well-being.

Mindset Coaching

Unlock your true potential by harnessing the power of your mind and overcoming the barriers that have held you back for so long. Our weekly Mindset Coaching will guide you on a life-changing journey where you'll conquer self-doubt, break free from self-sabotage, and unleash the unstoppable force within you.

Delve deep into your inner world, addressing the roots of your struggles rather than simply focusing on external factors. As you uncover the hidden secrets of your psyche, you'll shatter limiting beliefs, reignite your motivation, and embrace the most authentic version of yourself.

Embark on this transformative odyssey and experience the astounding results that await you as you:

  • SHATTER LIMITING BELIEFS: Break free from the constraints of self-doubt and unleash your true potential by overcoming the mental obstacles that have held you back.

  • CONQUER SELF-SABOTAGE: Discover how to put an end to self-destructive patterns, replacing them with empowering habits and mindsets that propel you toward success.

  • REIGNITE YOUR MOTIVATION: Rekindle your inner fire and cultivate an unshakable drive to pursue your goals, dreams, and aspirations with unwavering determination and passion.

Exercise and Activity Program

Get real results with less work by following an evidence based workout schedule specifically designed for the midlife body, hormones and metabolism.

You won’t need to spend hours each week working out, you can do the workouts anywhere (at home or in a gym), and they’ll progress you fast. Whether you already have training experience or are just starting out we’ve got you covered.

Embark on this life-changing journey and witness the remarkable transformations that await you:

  • SCIENCE-BASED FITNESS: Reap the benefits of a fitness programme specifically designed for the midlife body, incorporating cutting-edge research to optimise your hormones and metabolism for incredible, lasting results.

  • EVIDENCE BASED APPROACH: Get the results that have eluded you by embracing a fitness experience that specifically caters for the midlife body and takes account of it’s hormonal needs - ensuring you reach your goals safely and effectively.

  • INCLUSIVE & ADAPTABLE: Whether you're a fitness novice or an intermediate enthusiast, our programme offers versatile solutions for every stage of your journey, ensuring a seamless transition as you progress
    into the healthiest, fittest and strongest version of you.

On Demand Content & Resources Via Our App

Embrace the ease and accessibility of our exclusive app, meticulously designed to provide you with a schedule tailored to your needs. Simply follow (and trust) the programme, and watch as it seamlessly integrates into your lifestyle, giving you the fast results you’ve been seeking - perhaps for years. All your essential content is readily available in one central location, on demand and adapts to your unique schedule.

With our app, it's as if you have your very own team of dedicated coaches, fitting snugly in your pocket and guiding you every step of the way on your transformative journey.

Our app will help with:

  • EFFORTLESS ORGANISATION: Streamline your fitness journey with a schedule tailored to your needs, allowing you to focus on your goals without getting overwhelmed by planning and logistics. Perfect for time poor busy people!

  • FLEXIBLE ACCESSIBILITY: Enjoy the luxury of on-demand content, designed to fit seamlessly into your unique lifestyle, ensuring you have the tools and resources you need whenever and wherever you need them.

  • UNWAVERING SUPPORT: Feel the confidence and motivation that comes from having your own team of dedicated coaches available through the app, guiding and supporting you every step of the way to sustainable and life changing results.

Private Community & Group Calls

Unlock the door to a thriving private community where you'll find unwavering support, camaraderie, and encouragement. Our weekly group calls offer an unparalleled opportunity to stay accountable, inspired, and motivated, while simultaneously forging bonds with like-minded individuals.

These invaluable sessions are your golden ticket to on-the-spot coaching from us, as we impart our expert tools and techniques designed to bring about lasting transformation across your body, mind, and soul.

You can't fail to walk away from these calls without a sense of renewed energy, focus and self belief.

Join us and benefit from:

  • UNWAVERING SUPPORT: Immerse yourself in a nurturing private community that offers constant encouragement and understanding as you navigate your transformation journey together.

  • ACCOUNTABILITY & INSPIRATION: Stay on track and remain motivated with our engaging weekly group calls, designed to help you maintain momentum and foster a powerful sense of self belief and determination.

  • EXPERT GUIDANCE: Seize the opportunity for real-time coaching as we teach you our proven tools and techniques for long-term, sustainable change, ensuring you make meaningful progress in every aspect of your life.

Accelerate Your Results

Eliminate the guesswork and frustrations often associated with achieving long-lasting results by embracing our cutting-edge, science-based

approach, specifically for the midlife body, mind and life. We provide you with the precise blueprint for enduring success, meticulously crafted to ensure optimal progress on your transformation journey.

Join the ranks of hundreds of satisfied clients who have followed our proven process and reaped the rewards of life changing personal growth and achievement.

Witness the astounding transformations that await you:

  • PRECISION-GUIDED SUCCESS: Rely on our science-backed approach to eliminate guesswork and uncertainty, providing you with the most effective pathway to reach your physical, mental and lifestyle goals
    at midlife.

  • LASTING RESULTS: Experience the satisfaction of sustainable progress as you follow our meticulously crafted blueprint, designed to ensure enduring success

  • PROVEN PROCESS: Join a thriving community of clients who have already experienced the life-changing benefits of our expert guidance and achieved remarkable results.

On top of that, you’ll get:

  • Motivational in-app messages. So you feel inspired and supported along your journey.

  • Progress checker. Keep an extra piece of motivation in your pocket as you can celebrate how far you’ve come.

  • Checklist of Habit reminders for eight weeks. To keep things on track on a daily basis and learning becomes intuitive.

  • In App Food Diary. This powerful digital food diary  tracks your eating habits and patterns by inputting your meals and giving you a detailed breakdown. The data you collect provides invaluable insights to help you achieve your weight and health goals.

  • List of Healthy snacks ideas. Ideas of what to snack on when you have meetings all day or when you forget your food prep at home. Yes, it’s more than apples, nuts, and bananas!

  • Supplements list for extra nutrition. Astonishing results happen when you treat your body with extra care and this is never more important than at midlife. This list will show you exactly how to do that.

  • Recipes that include vegetarian and vegan options. Can't think of what meals to prep? We've got you covered with our delicious, satisfying and easy to cook recipes for all the family.

  • Sync with your other apps. You can sync your trackers and devices with the app so everything's in one, handy place!

On top of that, you’ll get:

  • Motivational in-app messages. So you feel inspired and supported along your journey.

  • Progress checker. Keep an extra piece of motivation in your pocket as you can celebrate how far you’ve come.

  • Checklist of Habit reminders for eight weeks. To keep things on track on a daily basis and learning becomes intuitive.

  • In App Food Diary. This powerful digital food diary  tracks your eating habits and patterns by inputting your meals and giving you a detailed breakdown. The data you collect provides invaluable insights to help you achieve your weight and health goals.

  • List of Healthy snacks ideas. Ideas of what to snack on when you have meetings all day or when you forget your food prep at home. Yes, it’s more than apples, nuts, and bananas!

  • Supplements list for extra nutrition. Astonishing results happen when you treat your body with extra care and this is never more important than at midlife. This list will show you exactly how to do that.

  • Recipes that include vegetarian and vegan options. Can't think of what meals to prep? We've got you covered with our delicious, satisfying and easy to cook recipes for all the family.

  • Sync with your other apps. You can sync your trackers and devices with the app so everything's in one, handy place!

People who were once in your shoes have achieved immense success

using our comprehensive ENRICH framework.

Hear directly from some of them who have transformed their lives by adhering to our methodology in The Midlife Reset

That’s not all!

We have more support and resources necessary to take your transformation to the next level.

Your mind is capable of achieving anything

so we decided to boost it even further with not one but two extra coaching video sessions with us


The Secret of Giving & Gratitude

The simple tools we offer help reprogram the mind so you become more present, grounded and more emotionally resilient during life’s challenges. Small changes create a huge positive ripple effect on all areas of your life.


Power of Persistence

Persistence leads to success! During our coaching sessions, we are sharing with you our revolutionary tricks to help you increase your ability to keep going despite obstacles, setbacks, and failures. Let’s shape your victory mindset!

BONUS bundle #3

nutrition breakthrough bundle

This includes: 5 Habits of Mindful Eating, Effortless Shopping Guide, How To Crush Cravings and a 4 Step Guide to Building The Perfect Meal.

8 Weeks of Nutrition Coaching


8 Weeks of Mindset Coaching


progressive 8 week Exercise and Activity Programme


On Demand Content & Resources Via Our App


Private Community & Group Calls


BONUS: The Secret of Giving & Gratitude

BONUS: Power of Persistence

BONUS: nutrition breakthrough bundle




Total Value = $3294

Price = $1799

We have payment plan options to spread the cost.

We work with only a small number of clients each month. Book your free to call to see if it's right for you and to secure your place.

This is not just another fitness regime, diet plan, or accumulation of knowledge. We offer you a
step by step life-changing transformation involving your whole being - body, mind, and spirit - that you can apply in daily life to truly thrive.

  • It doesn’t have to be hard.

  • It doesn’t have to be boring or time consuming.

  • It doesn’t have to take years - or even months!

The Midlife Method Program empowers you to  regain

confidence, vitality, health and happiness in a mere eight weeks!

This is not just another fitness regime, diet plan, or accumulation of knowledge. We offer you a
step by step life-changing transformation involving your whole being - body, mind, and spirit - that you can apply in daily life to truly thrive.

  • It doesn’t have to be hard.

  • It doesn’t have to be boring or time consuming.

  • It doesn’t have to take years - or even months!

The Midlife RESET Program empowers you to  regain

confidence, vitality, health and happiness in a mere eight weeks!

Even if you’ve tried different fitness approaches  like strength training, yoga, pilates, or running…

Even if you’ve tried meditation, therapy, self help…

Even if you’ve tried every diet or eating approach under the sun

And even if you’ve tried joining a community group or club for support…

But what you’ve tried is not working for you. It is not your fault. You just haven’t had the right strategy until now…that’s a totally integrated aproach for for the midlife body and mind.

So - let the days of struggling and yearning for your past, more youthful self be gone. 

Every time you want to quit, but you don’t - a new version of you is born. 

And that new version of you can  achieve even greater things at this stage of life… 

It’s a time of opportunity. A time to reinvent yourself with the wisdom that comes with age.

Allow us to help you reach new heights and exceed your own expectations.

  • What would you give to finally feel confident enough to pursue a job promotion, skyrocket your business, or start dating again?

  • What would you give to increase your energy levels? To play with your kids, take up a new hobby, or tackle home improvement projects you've been putting off?

  • What would you give to have better sleep? To wake up full of energy, ready to rock the day?

  • What would you give to improve your relationships? To be more present with your partner, have more patience with your kids, and feel more confident in social situations?

  • What would you give to drop dress sizes or notches on your belt and achieve a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment?

The best time of your life is yet to come!

And with The Midlife Reset, you’re one click

away from achieving all that

8 Weeks of Nutrition Coaching


8 Weeks of Mindset Coaching


progressive 8 week Exercise and Activity Programme


On Demand Content & Resources Via Our App


Private Community & Group Calls


BONUS: The Secret of Giving & Gratitude

BONUS: Power of Persistence

BONUS: nutrition breakthrough bundle




Total Value = $3294

Price = $1799

We have payment plan options to spread the cost.

We work with only a small number of clients each month. Book your free to call to see if it's right for you and to secure your place.

Fancy a Sneak Peak?

Take a look at some of the workshops included:

How to Set Goals, Follow Them & Implement New Habits

This workshop is focused on maintaining unwavering focus toward your goals. Discover the habits of successful people, how to eliminate unnecessary behaviours  (such as excessive social media scrolling), and effortlessly adopt new and beneficial daily practices that align with the person you aspire to be - healthier, happier, stronger and more energised than ever before.

How To Ditch Your Old Limiting Beliefs and Reinvent Your Self-Identity

Mindset work is crucial, and there are reasons for that. We provide you with a practical workshop guide on effectively rewiring your brain for successful, new ways of thinking using a proven step-by-step approach. You walk away with a new sense of awareness, self acceptance and focus for the future. The new you is born…

What is Nutrition, and How to Fuel The Midlife Body & Mind

Are you constantly snacking throughout the day? Are you overwhelmed with all the different approaches? This simplifies the noise - as you discover small hacks that create huge life changing results.This workshop will empower you to establish a healthier relationship with food and end yo yo dieting and excessive snacking.

How to Manage Stressful Situations And Create Life Balance

Learn how to manage and deal with stress so it doesn’t get stored in your body as excess weight. We will teach you how to release it and create room for more positive experiences in your life.

The Science of Staying Young - How To Live Longer & Happier

While we cannot turn back time, we can teach you how to navigate the ageing process gracefully and effectively. By taking this workshop, you'll gain a greater sense of control and self-compassion by learning how to eat, exercise and think in line with midlife changes, which will translate into increased confidence and self-assurance.

How to Communicate Effectively & Achieve Better Relationships

During this workshop, you'll learn how to cultivate strong relationships and skillfully navigate even the trickiest of conflicts, whether at home or in the workplace. You'll gain valuable insights and practical tools to handle these situations with ease and invigorate connection in intimate relationships. It will also show you how to prioritise your own needs and manage time, so you can live a life on your terms.

The Power of Taking Risks and Feeling Alive Again

Stepping outside of your comfort zone, exploring new avenues and possibilities, and personal growth are all beautiful outcomes of taking calculated risks. In this workshop, we'll guide you on how to do just that, helping you embrace risk-taking strategically and effectively so you can live this second act of your life with adventure and excitement.

How To Take Inspired Actions and Achieve Your Deepest Desires

We conclude with the most crucial topic of all - having a clear, actionable roadmap to follow toward your new, healthier, happier life. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you'll begin to see results when you take inspired action towards your deepest desires.

What our clients are saying

Who Is This For?

The Midlife Method is for all the midlife people out there, who are:

  • Ready to prioritize your own self-care

  • Want to connect back to yourselves

  • Get comfortable in your own skin again

  • Keen to drop the stubborn pounds

  • Ready to make a significant change in your life

  • Set healthier daily routines

  • Enhance your self-confidence

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Improve mental clarity and focus

  • Increase energy, stamina and sleep better

  • Improve your relationships and feel present, purposeful and excited about life

The Midlife Method has helped thousands of other people revive their body, mind and life, and start feeling happy and fulfilled again

Using our result-proven frame work ENRICH, we lead you through movement, nutrition, hormones, a success mindset, and emotional well-being, and hold you accountable until you reach the goals and results you've deeply desired - possibly for years

The Midlife Method has helped thousands of other people revive their body, mind and life, and start feeling happy and fulfilled again

Using our result-proven frame work ENRICH, we lead you through movement, nutrition, hormones, a success mindset, and emotional well-being, and hold you accountable until you reach the goals and results you've deeply desired - possibly for years

8 Weeks of Nutrition Coaching


8 Weeks of Mindset Coaching


progressive 8 week Exercise and Activity Programme


On Demand Content & Resources Via Our App


Private Community & Group Calls


BONUS: The Secret of Giving & Gratitude

BONUS: Power of Persistence

BONUS: nutrition breakthrough bundle




Total Value = $3294

Price = $1799

We have payment plan options to spread the cost.

We work with only a small number of clients each month. Book your free to call to see if it's right for you and to secure your place.


I've tried other programs before. How's this different?

It's not just a fitness or nutrition program. You are following our result-proven framework. It's a completely integrated mind, body, and life transformation program to help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals. 

Our program focuses on creating sustainable habits and a positive mindset to ensure that you see long-lasting results. We provide personalized support and guidance throughout the program, so you never feel alone or overwhelmed.

What if your program doesn't work for me?

We understand that every individual is unique and has their journey. Our promise is that we'll be next to you, cheer you on, and hold you accountable until you reach your goals. It will work if you follow and trust the process. We're so confident our guarantee is that if you haven't achieved your desired results within 8 weeks we'll continue working with you until you do.

How does your program work?

After you enroll, you'll get instant access to our app, where you'll find everything you need to get going. The app is designed to drip feed you information and coaching as and when it is needed for the best possible learning experience. As you go through the programme, you’ll gather momentum and the teachings will become intuitive.

We have a coaching call once a week for eight weeks - one on a Monday one week and one on a Friday the next to accommodate different time zones. , This is  where  we will answer your questions, address your challenges and motivate you and guide you through the life changing process.

In addition, you'll get access to our private community to feel supported and inspired by like-minded people.

How much time will I need to invest in it?

You will need to invest about 20 minutes twice a week for the cardio element of the programme at the beginning. For the resistance sessions - about 40 minutes twice a week. The coaching workshops drop in the app every week and you need about 60 minutes to watch them and take notes for your learning. Everything else is drip fed meaning the learning is subliminal. There will be times when you need to update your food diary and complete some forms but we have had incredibly busy people go through this program and compliment us on how easy it is to fit into their hectic lifestyle.

Why can't I do this on my own?

While it is possible to make progress on your own, it can be a challenging and overwhelming process.

Knowing which exercises, nutrition plans, and lifestyle changes will be most effective for your goals can be more manageable with proper guidance. Additionally, it can be easy to lose motivation and fall back into old habits without the support and accountability of a structured program and community. If you’re sick of trying to figure this out alone, you no longer have to worry…. because this will piece it all together for you, in one place.

How long will I have access to the course?

The method is 8 weeks but you have an extra 4 weeks for free - making the whole experience 12 weeks. That means 4 extra free weeks of structured workouts, coaching workshops and access to the group calls. After the 12 weeks there are ways you can stay in our world and continue to progress your journey with us.

How can I get started if I don't have the money?

We provide flexible payment options, including a payment plan with three instalments of £499 each. So you can get started today for just £499.

Is there a refund policy?

We are confident about the program and the results you'll get once you're in. That's why we don't have a refund policy. However, we promise to work with you until you reach your initial personal goals.

What our clients are saying

8 Weeks of Nutrition Coaching


8 Weeks of Mindset Coaching


progressive 8 week Exercise and Activity Programme


On Demand Content & Resources Via Our App


Private Community & Group Calls


BONUS: The Secret of Giving & Gratitude

BONUS: Power of Persistence

BONUS: nutrition breakthrough bundle




Total Value = $3294

Price = $1799

We have payment plan options to help spread the cost.

We work with only a small number of clients each month. Book your free to call to see if it's right for you and to secure your place.