10 DAY

Kickstart healthier habits, weight loss and a positive mindset…

…So you stop avoiding mirrors and start living a life you love!

As seen in...

The 10 Day Midlife Boost is the game changing programme that will help you regain control of your body, mind and life.

If you’re stuck in a rut, demotivated, lethargic and fed up of nothing working…

This is the the place to get the SPRING back in your step.

Wouldn’t it be nice if looking and feeling good didn’t feel so hard?

And you woke up with more energy and enthusiasm for the day?

Your body feels strong and healthy...

…and your mind is sharp, positive and calm.

…what’s more, you’re enjoying this life of yours…

But that’s not what’s happening is it? In fact….

You’re too tired to even think about how to make the changes you want.…but you’re sick of feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, with the weight piling on.

Unhealthy habits taking control of your life….

You simply can’t try ANY MORE approaches that worked for your friend (or the Instagram influencer), but don’t work for you - because it’s killing your self worth.

Right now - it seems everything is suffering. Your work, your relationships, your family.

You’re in an endless groundhog day zapped of joy, battling with your body and wondering if this is ‘IT’ for your life.

This limbo land can be paralysing… because you’re settling…and deep down you know it.

But we want to share a secret with you…

Having worked with men and women in their 40s and 50s for over ten years…

and being midlifers ourselves.

…we can promise you, you’re not alone and it’s not your fault.

Pretty much ALL midlifers at some point feel like things are caving in on them.

But they don’t always talk openly about it.

Maybe from the outside they look like they ‘should’ be happy. And there’s guilt and shame that they’re not. So they suffer in silence. Reach for food, alcohol.

Work harder. Throw themselves into making everyone else happy…

They try various diets, self development programmes, exercise routines.

Buy books, supplements and invest in life coaches, PTs and nutritionists.


These alone aren’t the answer. Because they only ‘fix’ specific things.

What’s more, they’re not designed for midlifers and they contradict each other, leaving you confused and overwhelmed.

And this is when most people find us.

They feel stuck. They feel like they’re missing a piece of the puzzle and are driving themselves crazy trying to go

it alone.

The answer is…

You need a HOLISTIC APPROACH - for the midlife body, mind and life.

A simple, science based step by step process that transforms you from the inside out and takes into account

your hormones.

And that’s where the 10 Day Midlife Boost
comes in…

It’s designed to give you the kickstart you’ve been desperately looking for - reconnecting you to your body, mind and soul - so you begin to feel whole again.

This is for you if…

You’re sick and tired of having no motivation, enthusiasm or energy

You want to get into an easy to manage routine of exercising, without it taking over your life, feeling too hard, or needing to go to the gym.

You want to get a handle on your eating habits, without feeling restricted or obsessive.

You need guidance on how to manage your thoughts, so you lower anxiety, depression and stress.

You’re seeking connection with like minded midlifers, who lift you up, believe in you and understand your journey

…and you want to up level your life, career and relationships.

You’ll walk away from the 10 Day Midlife Boost feeling...






Harmonious in body, mind and soul



…and like you’ve reclaimed the parts of you you thought you’d lost

Hi we’re Claire & James Davis

We’re a husband and wife team, sharing the same ambition to help midlifers navigate this often bumpy time of life with greater ease, self compassion and mental and physical wellbeing.

…because we know what it feels like to be at rock bottom.

Between us we’ve had three divorces, clinical depression, business losses, near bankruptcy, addictions, eating disorders and incredibly low self worth.

And despite all that, we’re now:

Owners of a thriving six figure business.

Stronger, fitter and healthier than we’ve ever been.

Married, in love, with a relationship that gets better every day.

Free to travel and live wherever we want in the world due to the business we’ve created.

Regularly featured in international press.

Spiritually rich, grateful and driven by passion and purpose .

We’ll show you the mind, body and soul tools we used to turn our lives around.

Because we don’t want anyone to suffer alone and take the long winding road like we did. There is a quicker, easier way and together we can create the massive change in your life you seek.



Charlotte, 50

This is not just about just starting to fit into the skirt, which of course is important because I can feel my confidence is opening up again, and yes want to feel good in my skin, sexy and feminine once more.

I am already feeling the deeper sparks within me coming back too, which have been dormant for a long time, that I can really create the life I want, and know I deserve.

This is also about me creating really good health in my body for the long term.

And I don't want to take this for granted and not have any more quick fix options, and this feels hugely important as I turn 50 next January.


Will, 44

I'm a professional | spend a lot of time at work, l've got a wife a family of three girls. I wanted to reboot, re-engage and to take control over how I felt. The main driver was an opportunity at work which would invoice more time and effort and pressure.

I didn't want something that was just about this new fad diet, I wanted that next stage of my life. What really drew was the midlife aspect of the programme, which I think is really powerful, but I also knew I needed to be happier.

Results wise I lost the weight I wanted to lose, I feel sharper, finding time for myself has been brilliant. It's been fantastic.

The difference is you understand what people are going through psychological, emotionally, spiritually, physically, you guys have nailed it.

The 10 Day Midlife Boost is a comprehensive app based programme that gives you the daily life tools to transform your body, mind and emotionally wellbeing - that fits perfectly into your busy schedule.

Here’s what you get when you join The 10 Day Midlife Boost:

Midlife Movement Plan

10 day movement programme scheduled for you inside our app. High and low options are provided so it’s ideal for beginners to intermediate and you can do everything at home. This movement plan is design specifically for the midlife body - to optimise hormones, boost the metabolism, burn fat, build lean muscle and strengthen bones. There’s also the option to reschedule workouts to suit your schedule.

Midlife Nutrition Module

A nutrition module to empower you with the practical strategies you need to make sustainable long term habit change. We don’t believe in restrictive meal plans, because when you walk away, you have no idea how to adapt back to a more balanced, realistic way of eating. Simplicity is key.

Midlife Mindset Module

A mindset module to help you regain control of your thoughts and emotions such as anxiety, worry and stress. This module will give you the practical steps to positively shift your mental health, resulting in greater peace, positivity and purpose.


An audio meditation that reprogrammes the mind and puts you in a place of energetic alignment to your goals, so they manifest in reality.

Private Community Of Incredible Midlifers

Connection with like minded people from all over the world. This is where long lasting friendships are made.

Accountability & Support

Get answers to your questions plus ongoing support and encouragement.


Bonuses - delicious recipes, extra positive psychology tools.

Access for one month.

What does getting your midlife mojo back look like to you?


  • No longer making excuses and feeling down on yourself

  • Having consistent energy throughout the day with less sugar cravings

  • Looking in the mirror and being proud of the changes

  • Feeling more positive and hopeful

  • Being calmer and more productive at work

  • Your relationships improving

  • Being able to deal with unhelpful behaviours and thoughts

  • How good does that feel? What’s the value of that kind of freedom?

  • The 10 Day Midlife Boost will give you the step by step process that will create a huge shift in how you look and feel

  • And you’ll get support so you don’t feel alone or in doubt

  • It’s a win win - invest in yourself now, so you have the life long tools to thrive in midlife


Exclusive Launch Price $299 (Normally $349)

10 Day Midlife Boost Programme
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Here’s a reminder of what you get…

Midlife Movement Plan

10 day movement programme scheduled for you inside our app. High and low options are provided so it’s ideal for beginners to intermediate and you can do everything at home. This movement plan is design specifically for the midlife body - to optimise hormones, boost the metabolism, burn fat, build lean muscle and strengthen bones. There’s also the option to reschedule workouts to suit your schedule.

Midlife Nutrition Module

A nutrition module to empower you with the practical strategies you need to make sustainable long term habit change. We don’t believe in restrictive meal plans, because when you walk away, you have no idea how to adapt back to a more balanced, realistic way of eating. Simplicity is key.

Midlife Mindset Module

A mindset module to help you regain control of your thoughts and emotions such as anxiety, worry and stress. This module will give you the practical steps to positively shift your mental health, resulting in greater peace, positivity and purpose.


An audio meditation that reprogrammes the mind and puts you in a place of energetic alignment to your goals, so they manifest in reality.

Private Community Of Incredible Midlifers

Connection with like minded people from all over the world. This is where long lasting friendships are made.

Accountability & Support

Get answers to your questions plus ongoing support and encouragement.


Bonuses - delicious recipes, extra positive psychology tools.

Access for one month.

Want proof that our approach works?

We're proud of our reputation for helping midlifers positively shift their physical, mental and emotional health. We've collected various testimonials, so you can see how well our approach has worked for them. Then you can make your own mind up on whether it's right for you.


Exclusive Launch Price $299 (Normally $349)

Got Questions?


1. When does it start?

The launch of The 10 day Midlife Boost is Monday 5th February. However, that doesn’t mean you have to start that day, because you’ll have access for a month. However, to get the extra 10% and a chance to win the coaching calls, you need to grab your place by 8am Friday morning (2nd Feb).

2. How do I get access?

You’ll receive access to our app via an email on the morning of Sunday 4th February.

3. Do I need equipment or a gym for the workouts?

No, all the workouts can be done at home with little or no equipment. That being said, if you have kettle bells or dumb bells at home, you’ll be able to use those.

4. What kind of workouts will you have me doing?

Home based HIIT sessions and resistance training. The HIIT sessions are for every level with high and low version given. They last between 15-20 minutes. The resistance training will take approximately 30-40 minutes and again, appropriate for all levels.

5. Will I be on a diet?

No not at all. You’ll be given nutrition principles to abide by to kickstart healthier habits and weight loss, but you won’t be on a meal plan.

6. How will this change my habits?

It’ll get you into a healthy self care routine, as you follow the schedule laid out for you in10 days. You’ll regain momentum and start feeling better about yourself VERY quickly. You’ll also be given prompts and reminders that will gently guide you into behaving in new and helpful ways...

7. How will it help my mental health?

This is a body, mind and soul approach, so you’ll be given a mindset module which will help you identify blocks and offer solutions to start reprogramming the mind. You’ll also have short, effective daily tools to help you reduce stress anxiety and overwhelm.

8. Will I get support?

Yes they'll be a private Facebook community where you can mingle with other like minded midlifers. We'll also be in there to make sure you stay on track, inspired and motivated. Connection is the GOLD that will ensure success…

Programme Terms & Conditions

Disclaimer: Your details will be added to our mailing list. We don't share data or spam. You are free to unsubscribe at any time.

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