...for busy men & women in their 40s & 50s

Discover how to finally achieve the confidence, energy, health & happiness you want, without making huge sacrifices...

Join us on the LIVE interactive workshop

Watch This Video...

This is for you if:

  • You avoid looking at yourself in the mirror and are sick of feeling uncomfortable in your skin

  • You find yourself hiding your body from your partner and avoid intimacy

  • You say terrible things to yourself when you look in the mirror

  • You realise you're not being your best for those you love

  • You stay 'good' during the week and let it fall apart at the weekends

  • You get temporary relief from wine or snacks, but then beat yourself up

  • You're frustrated by the endless battle with your body and the lack of sustainable results

  • You've almost lost faith in yourself - but know something's GOT to change

  • You want to know how to not only live a long life, but a healthy, happy life

  • Finally - you know deep inside there's more than this...but can't seem to find the motivation to make a start

If this resonates, we want you to know - you're not alone.

So many people struggle with all the above and more in their 40s and 50s and feel like they're

in a constant fight with their own body.

Please trust us when we say - it doesn't have to be this way...

By The End Of This Masterclass You Will:

  • Understand WHY you've not got sustainable results in the past and how to turn it around - for good

  • Walk away with clear tools to positively shift your energy, mood, physique and confidence

  • Discover why a holistic approach is a 'MUST have' to being healthy and happy at midlife

  • Feel educated and inspired to do things in a different way, that eliminates yo-yo dieting, boring cardio, self-sabotage and unhealthy habits. So you can finally feel in harmony with your body and free to be the best version of YOU

Reserve Your Place On Our Live Interactive Workshop HereFind Out Where You've Been Going Wrong & How To Put It RIght Easily
Just $10
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Who We Are

We're multi award winning coaches and have the honour of taking midlifers through our transformational, science based Midlife Method. We're also co-authors of a bestselling book, regular speakers and press commentators. We have a podcast - The Midlife Mentors which is in the top 1.5% of global podcasts and we split our time between Spain and London.

We've been in the health and wellness space for 20 years and our qualifications include Psychology degrees, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Stress Management, Personal Training, Nutrition, Life & Business Coaching, Gut Health, Menopause & Hormone Specialists.

Our mission is to offer an anti-fad, anti-BS approach to midlife health and happiness. No huge sacrifices, no restrictions.

Our approach is BACKED BY SCIENCE & PROVEN BY RESULTS - it's as simple as that.

Are you sick of feeling stuck, overweight, anxious, low on energy and disconnected?

Do you desperately want to find an easier way to feel good about yourself that's sustainable and balanced?

Do you dream of greater body confidence, better sleep, happier thoughts, more vitality?

The knowledge we're going to share with you will open up a whole new understanding of yourself and your body.

You'll feel empowered to make shifts in your thinking and behavior, knowing the WHAT, the WHY and the HOW.

You'll align with hormonal changes instead of having a constant battle AND you'll kick start your metabolism for greater energy and fat loss.

This is what our clients have achieved.

And this IS possible for you too. We can't wait to show you how.

Join the LIVE workshop and we'll see you there!

Don't take our word for it...

The skills and the knowledge is the best possible gift you could give yourself and the best investment you could make in your future. It's far more enjoyable when you have people like James and Claire cheering you on and keeping you accountable


Programmes like this should be a necessity for midlifers, as school is for children. This is a realtime masterclass on how to thrive at midlife and beyond. I've let go of unhelpful habits and created a new way of living that is energizing and makes me feel happier. And I lost 10cm off my waist in 8 weeks!


I am feeling better than I have in a decade. I've become ME again and I've gone from feeling sad and hopeless to having a whole new lease on life. I've got an exercise routine into my busy lifestyle, I'm eating good food that gives me energy and I feel free.


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